We’re Here to Help you Achieve Your Running Goals
When you start exercising and running, you want the best equipment that will help you practice better. Comfortable shoes are the first and most important investment, but it alone is not enough. You can find numerous sportswear and accessories that will keep you comfortable and in full swing during your exercise.
On this site, we take a closer look at the best options for some of the essential equipment.
Hi there, I’m Lasse, the chief editor at OutdoorFitLab.

I’m more of a Mountain Biker than a runner – but I had a big crash, and my knee got hit badly. It took almost a year before I could start training. When I was getting better, my physiotherapist said that it might be good to give more impact to my knees by running. So I started running.
It is interesting that we need to put even more stress on our bodies in order to heal. In order to grow.
And maybe because of that crash, I didn’t want to drive my bike that much, so I run.
I’m now a runner, a mountain biker, and a road biker, not in top form, but not completely out of shape either.
I started OutdoorFitLab to share my humble experiences with other new runners.
I truly believe that this is a sport most of us can benefit from. OutdoorFitLab will do its best to share the information you need to truly enjoy your exercise! So keep impacting your knees!
If you need to get in touch you can contact us here.