How Long Does It Take To Run 3 Miles? (Top Tips To Increase Mileage)

Is 3 mile run something you’d like to try? A common question is how long it takes to run 3 miles.

It doesn’t take long to learn how to run a mile without stopping, even if you’re a beginner. With a realistic goal and a dash of motivation, you’ll be running two miles in no time!

But how long does it take to run 3 miles? Let’s find out.

Is Running 3 Miles In 30 minutes good?

Three miles (or 3.1 miles) is equivalent to a 5K. If you can run a 5K in 30 minutes or under, then this is considered pretty impressive. 

If we split this into three sections, it works out as 10 minutes per mile, which is the average distance for a relatively in-shape, non-competitive runner. 

This doesn’t mean you absolutely must run this distance in 30 minutes – but it can be done! 

Why 3 Miles?

According to the World Health Organization, it is recommended that adults between the ages of 18-64 should exercise for 30 minutes or more a day. 

This strengthens bones and keeps our cardiovascular system in tip-top shape which reduces heart-related problems and obesity. 

Running 3 miles without feeling winded seems like the perfect way to promote cardiovascular health and burn calories. If all of this can be done in 30 minutes, then that’s a job done!

How Long Would 3 Miles Take For A Beginner?

This depends on your fitness level, to begin with. If you lead an active and healthy lifestyle, it may take anywhere between 4 to 8 weeks to reach this level. 

If you are overweight, or smoke, it will take slightly longer, but within 6 months you should be able to reach your 3-mile goal. 

Don’t get too caught up on running the whole distance in 30 minutes or under. There is a lot more to increasing your speed than simply running faster. 

Read on to find out more. 

How Many Calories Will I Burn?

The calories burned when exercising depend on your weight. 

Let’s say, for example, we have two people named Person A and Person B. Person A is overweight, and Person B is an average weight for their height. They run for the same amount of time, but Person A burns more calories. 

Why is this?

Person A’s body has to work a lot harder to move around during exercise which is why more calories are burned. 

The heart is put under a lot more stress than usual, so oxygen is pumped around the body very quickly resulting in this huge loss of calories. 

How Often Should You Run 3 Miles?

If you are comfortable running this distance every day, then there is no need to stop. 

However, most runners find they need at least one or two rest days a week. 

Allowing the body to recover is almost as important as the act of running itself. Letting your body recuperate will reduce the risk of injury and maximize energy levels. 

Beginner runners may find that completing a 5K once a week is enough. You may want to include different forms of exercise throughout the week. 

Will It Help Me Lose Weight?

Absolutely! Running is one of the best forms of exercise when it comes to weight loss as you are working a variety of muscle groups at the same time – some you probably didn’t even know existed! 

As long as you are consistent, and you stick to a clean diet, you will practically see the pounds fall off! 

There are many other benefits aside from losing a few pounds. Running reduces feelings of anxiety and depression, particularly when done outdoors. 

There is nothing more energizing than feeling the wind on your face and fresh air in your lungs – and don’t get us started on those endorphins!  

It is also a great way to make new friends, especially if you join a running club. Although it is truly a wonder to be able to run and talk at the same time! 

Increasing Mileage: Top Tips

Once you have completed your first 3-miler, you will feel on top of the world – and you will want more. 

That’s why we have put together a list of tips to help you when it comes to increasing your mileage. 

1. Follow The 10% Rule

The 10 percent rule, also known as 10PR, is a popular, proven method that is used by running clubs across the world. It is based on the notion that a runner should only ever increase mileage by no more than 10% a week until they have reached their goal. 

So, if you are currently running 10 miles a week, you should run 11 next week, then 12 the week after, and so on. This is the best way to steadily increase mileage without risking injury. 

2. Strength Train 

Build your strength by lifting weights and adding circuit training into your routine. The stronger you are, the longer you will be able to run without tiring. 

Keeping your core strong is the key to maintaining good form as well as increasing speed and mileage. 

3. Recovery

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again. Recovery is important and it is even sensible to allow yourself a recovery week now and again. 

This will allow your body to recuperate before you take it to the next level. 

Don’t worry, your body won’t forget how to run after a week of rest. Just don’t go too crazy and undo all of your hard work.

4. Feed Your Immune System

Stocking up on plenty of nutritious fruit and veggies will reduce the chances of getting sick. 

If you are really serious about your running, you may want to invest in vitamins and supplements that promote heart health.

The Bottom Line

There is no single answer to this question. How long it takes to run a certain distance lies on many factors such as weight, fitness level, speed, etc. Our only advice to you is not to focus on the timing so much but on your progress. 

References: Physical activity (

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