How To Run A Mile Without Getting Tired? (10 Tips For Beginners)

If you are just starting out, it may seem impossible to run an entire mile without STOPPING. After 5 minutes, your legs are tired and the struggle to breathe is real. 

Running a mile without stopping or getting tired is a great achievement. But where do you even begin? How do you execute that?

Is it 10 minutes for a beginner? Or how long does it take to run a mile on average?

Here is a list of 10 tips that will help you run a mile without getting tired. Let’s take a look. 

1. Pace Yourself

It’s unlikely that you are going to run a whole mile on your first run. So you need to pace yourself and listen to your body. Here you can learn what pace means in running.

If you feel like you need to stop, take a 30-second walking break and get back into running. You are bound to do this often at first and gradually, you will begin to run for longer periods of time.

2. Correct Form 

Your posture is everything when running. Not only will it help to increase speed and mileage, but it also reduces the risk of injury. 

If your form is bad, then you will struggle to see results because your energy is being expended in all the wrong places. So what does the correct form look like? 

  • Shoulders back
  • Look ahead
  • Hands by your waist
  • Land softly on your feet

3. Have Patience

It is easy to become disheartened when you can’t seem to reach your goal after trying for so long. But we are here to tell you that patience pays off. 

As long as you persevere, running for a mile will gradually become easier. 

4. Set a Goal

If you travel along the same route every time, maybe set yourself a goal to get to a different point each time before stopping. This might be a streetlight or a tree. 

Using objects like these as a focus point is a good way to push yourself. 

5. Create a Schedule

You may be pushing yourself too hard. This can happen in the beginning – and even to top athletes who have been training for years! 

Create a sensible schedule and build your time slowly. If you can only manage to run for two minutes to begin with, slowly work up to 3, then 4, and so on. It won’t be long before you won’t even need a schedule! 

6. Motivate Yourself

Staying motivated is difficult at times. If you’re starting to feel like this, try laying your clothes out the night before, or ask a friend or family member to run with you. 

Listening to music is a fantastic way to push yourself, and you will find plenty of running playlists out there made by people just like you! 

7. Control Your Breathing

Learning how to breathe properly is something every runner should know. It is also one of the main reasons why people give up so quickly. Breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth is recommended, but do whatever works for you. 

After a while, it will become easier to breathe and you won’t think about it so much. 

8. Rewards

Each time you run a little bit further, reward yourself! Start by treating yourself after you complete your first mile. Then you might want to start thinking about working up to a 5K. 

There is nothing wrong with having a little incentive to look forward. In fact, it is a great way to motivate yourself if you know there is a trip to your fave restaurant at the end of it all!

9. Stay Focused

Keep thinking about the end goal. It’s ok to have a few days off here and there, but don’t throw the towel in at the first hurdle. If it’s raining outside, throw on your running shoes and get out there! If anything, jogging in the rain will keep your body cool! 

10. Core Strengthening Exercises

Weight training is the best way to strengthen your core which will make running much easier. Although it may seem like it’s all in the legs, the majority of your strength comes from your core. 

Resistance exercises using dumbbells and resistance bands are the best ways to build strength and you won’t be disappointed with the results. 

Should I Warm Up Before Running?

Yes! Warming up and cooling down are essential for the muscles. Setting two minutes aside to warm the muscles before running may also help with fatigue.

Warming up lets the muscles know that your body is about to work out and helps to reduce injury. 

The cool-down helps the muscles to return to their optimal length and cools body temperature. 

So both are essential components of exercise, so do not avoid them! 

Common Reasons For Fatigue

There are often underlying conditions as to why we feel so tired when running. And it’s not all down to a lack of motivation. 

Lack of sleep

On average, the typical adult should be getting around 8 hours of sleep a night. This is unrealistic for some, especially for those who have young children. 

If you can manage at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep, this should suffice. 

Poor Nutrition

If you are surviving on a diet of heavily processed foods, and sugary drinks, you’re going to feel extremely sluggish. 

Incorporating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet will give you the energy you need to run without getting tired. 

If you are not a fan of fruit and veg, smoothies are a good alternative. Drinking a freshly made smoothie each morning will provide your body with the essential vitamins it needs. 


Life is hectic these days, and most of us have a lot on our plates. Stress can have a huge impact on your mental and physical health. 

If this sounds like you, then running will help to alleviate these problems. If not, try visiting your doctor for more help. 

The Bottom Line

Running a mile without stopping and getting tired may seem impossible at the beginning of your journey, but reading our tips above should give you the help you need! One mile is not that much, but there are also benefits to running just a mile a day.

As long as you are focused, have correct form, and are giving yourself a bit of downtime, you’ll increase mileage and be running 3 miles without stopping in no time.

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